BJEM boys, Sai International girls triumph

Buxi Jagabandhu English Medium School and Sai International School won the boys` and girls` titles respectively in the Sahodaya Complex Inter-CBSE School Basketball Tournament, which concluded here at Mother`s Public School campus today.

BJEM beat host Mother`s Public School 73-62 in the boys` final, while Sai International got the better of DAV School (Chandrasekharpur) 19-7 in the girls` summit clash. Earlier in the boys` semifinals, Mother`s Public defeated ODM School 62-48 and BJEM thrashed DAV, Unit-VIII 47-22. In the girls` last-four round, DAV, Chandrasekharpur prevailed over Mother`s Public 29-15 and Sai International eliminated DPS Kalinga 17-10.

Sai International girl Vedika Das and BJEM boy Abhishek Das were adjudged most valuable players of the tournament. Former India youth basketball coach Arupananda Routray handed over the trophies at the closing function.
PHOTO: Sai International girls received the inter-school basketball trophy in Bhubaneswar on Nov 8, 2013.
